Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Most Days I Barely Feel Human

I had my 2nd appointment with the psychologist today. She was throwing all these career/job ideas at me, trying to determine what I am looking for. Some of the ideas were slightly appealing but the whole time she was talking and throwing ideas at me, I felt paralyzed by fear. All I could think about while she was talking was how I need help with my mental health issues, how I have no idea what I want or what I'd be good at. I can barely make a decision for my day, let alone the rest of my life. Most days I don't even remember to bathe or brush my teeth and I only can motivate myself in the morning to get up and dressed on the days I need to be somewhere. Can she not see inside of me, how totally screwed up and suppressed I am. Most days I barely feel human and the thought of being around groups of people in a social or employment situation make me sick inside. I can barely be around people I know and am familiar with.

I wanted to mention my sister and her mental health diagnosis but she only seemed interested in my career aspirations. I can't even think that I would be good at anything I might choose to do when I feel so incompetent in just getting through life. I'm 59 and can't think of one thing that I am actually good at or even interested enough in to pursue or excel at. I do good at something for a while then a mood strikes and I lose interest or decide in my mind I am not interested or not good at that thing.  I am not mentally healthy. Am I the only one that can tell? Do I hide it so well that I will never get the help I need to feel "normal"?

I have zero confidence in my abilities to do anything. I have zero interest in anything as I feel incapable. I feel like a fake because other people seem to think I am something I'm not. I just feel tired and empty and have nothing of substance to offer.

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