Thursday, February 20, 2014

Boy Do I Feel Stupid: What the hell was I thinking?

I am laying here feeling like a complete moron.  I started this blog a couple of days ago out of sheer excitement. I found out that there was actually a name for the way I was all my life. Suddenly thoughts and memories came flooding through my mind and I couldn't write them down fast enough.

After weeks of low grade depression from my bipolar 2, suddenly I am doing something again, feeling again, finding some kind of purpose.  I must be in a hyper manic state because I was so excited at having an answer to the mystery of me that I actually shared my "exciting" news, the news that I am even more messed up than anyone ever knew.  Wow everybody, I've got Avoidant Personality Disorder. Yahoo! Look at me!  Now the whole family knows that I'm crazy. 

What was I thinking?  I can only imagine what they're saying. "Yep aunty Laurie, that whacky nut job, can't believe how excited she is about having a personality disorder".  "Those guys in the white suits will be picking her up any day now taking her off to the padded cell in the loonie bin."

This is typical inferiority talk from someone with AvPD and sharing embarrassing stories is not something they do for fear of ridicule. 

Damn bipolar hyper manic me couldn't keep her big mouth shut. Oh well it's done. I guess they'll think what they want. I can see it's going to be a roller coaster ride. Come along for the ride.

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