Tuesday, February 18, 2014

I Never Put My Hand Up In Class

When I was in elementary school, I never put my hand up in class.  I was terrified of giving the wrong answer and being embarrassed and ridiculed by others. I remember all through elementary, sitting paralyzed when the teacher would ask a question in case he or she picked me for the answer. Even when I thought I knew the answer I wouldn't put my hand up.  If the teacher did call on me to answer the question and I was forced to give an answer, I would put my hand in front of my face and cry silently into my hand out of sheer embarrassment. I knew all the kids could see that I was crying but I couldn't control it. I remember my grade 6 teacher, a man I admired greatly, would get impatient with me and make me stand in the hall until I could compose myself. Kids would often ask me why I cried and I didn't know why.

All these years later I finally get it.

Avoidant personality disorder is a clinical diagnosis based on history combined with direct behavioral observation and mental status examination. According to the DSM-IV-TR, criteria for diagnosis of avoidant personality disorder in adults are met when a patient exhibits 4 or more of the behaviors below. No formal modification has been made for children.
  • Avoids occupational activities that involve significant interpersonal contact because of fears of criticism, disapproval, or rejection (For children, theDSM-IV-TR reference to occupational activities can apply to school. Children with avoidant personality disorder often have marked difficulty, especially with new classes, presentations in front of the class, and less-structured times such as recess or lunch.)...read more

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