Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Avoidant Personality Disorder: A Lifetime of Suffering Answered.

I am nearly 58 years old. I have gone through my entire life knowing there is something wrong with me but never knowing how to explain or seek help. I have done keyword search off and on over the years trying to find something that explained what I was feeling or thinking and, until today, I could never find the answer. I was diagnosed with Bipolar 2 at the age of 33 and all the symptoms of that disorder were present in my personality and explained a lot of my behaviours over the years but there were still unanswered questions. I started thinking of what word can I search for that might give me answers to the missing puzzle of me. As a small child I was extremely shy. Not your normal shy but extremely shy. I remember that during my first 3 years of elementary school as a child I walked to school with a group of children, never speaking or communicating in any way. So I asked myself if, perhaps, that was a sign of the onset of mental illness. I typed in the words "extreme shyness" in the search bar. One of the things that came up was Avoidant Personality Disorder. When I read the description I finally had an answer for something that has plagued me for all these years. Having the answer won't cure me but knowing what is wrong is a stepping on the road to recovery. What is Avoidant Personality Disorder?

According to the video there are 7 markers to diagnose Avoidant Personality Disorder. I scored 7 out of 7

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